Ambleside apartment is Lake District’s first property to be listed on Airbnb Plus.

Our first property in Ambleside is the first home in the Lake District to be listed on Airbnb’s newly introduced luxury platform, Airbnb Plus.

Midland Bank Chambers has now been officially recognised on the website, after an extensive inspection by Airbnb.

Craig Hill, owner of LetMeStay, said: “We are truly proud to see this home achieve Airbnb Plus status. This unique property was a complete labour of love and took over two and a half years to fully renovate. However, the hard work has certainly paid off and we are so pleased to see this property listed on the prestigious Airbnb Plus platform.”

Craig added: “We were initially approached by Airbnb Plus two months ago. The process was in-depth and included an extensive inspection and a photo shoot by the team. The feedback showed that the apartment was one of the best properties on the site and was highly regarded for customer service and quality. We are delighted with the listing and are certainly looking forward to welcoming more visitors to enjoy lovely Ambleside this summer.”

We started LetMeStay 2018 To work with property owners to market their properties individuality, using bespoke marketing techniques to maximise revenue . We are passionate about the Lake District and aims to give back to the local area – donating £1 of every booking made to the Lake District Foundation. We also work with local suppliers, including Pure Lakes Skincare & Pennington’s Coffee

Craig added: “LetMeStay was formed from growing frustrations with large agencies that were not able to deliver results. This spurred on the idea to embark on a fresh and new approach to holiday home marketing. I am proud to say that we now have occupancies of 98% and gross revenue figures considerably higher than quoted by any other local or national agency.”

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